Where Slides Might Occur

Landslides occur where they have occured before.

Large, deep-seated slides tend to be a reactivation of existing landslide complexes. map slides Integral Construction Seattle Foundation Repair Leveling and Hillside StabilizationSlope stability maps can provide an excellent indication of unstable areas. A competent geological analysis can usually provide an estimate of stability of problem areas on a site. It cannot reliably provide a probability of failure or an exact map of the area to be affected.

Landslides occur on steep slopes

Steep slopes are typically found along shorelines where centuries of wave or river currents have eroded the toe of the slope. Most steep slopes around Puget Sound have experienced sliding in the past one or two hundred years.

Landslides occur on benches

Relatively level benches on an otherwise steep slope often indicate areas of past slopediag_bench_Integral Construction Seattle Foundation Repair Leveling and Hillside Stabilization movement

Landslides occur where drainage is causing a problem

Landslides are often triggered by the failure of drainage systems. Large amounts of interceptor Integral Construction Seattle Foundation Repair Leveling and Hillside Stabilizationwater flowing from driveways, roof areas, roads and other impermeable surfaces can cause slides.

Landslides occur where certain geologic conditions exist 

Landslides occur where certain combinations of soils are present. When layers of sand and gravel lie above less permeable silt and clay layers, groundwater can accumulate diag_geo Integral Construction Seattle Foundation Repair Leveling and Hillside Stabilizationand zones of weakness can develop. In Puget Sound, this combination is common and widespread. Glacial outwash, often Esperance Sand or gravel overlies the fine-grained Lawton Clay or Whidbey formation.


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Integral Construction Seattle Foundation Repair Leveling and Hillside Stabilization